
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Even or Odd Number of Letters in Your Name Game Activity

Engaging & Fun Elementary Math Practice
This counting game features practice with determining whether a number is even or odd, counting tally marks, graphing, and also personalizes the results!


First Info...

  1. Have each student count the number of letters in his/her first name and write that number on a piece of paper.
  2. Ask students who had an even number of letters to raise a hand and record on the board with tally marks.
  3. Ask students who had an odd number of letters to raise a hand and record on the board with tally marks.
  4. Practice counting the tally marks together as a class.
  5. Have each student count the number of letters in his/her last name and repeat the above steps.

Practical Math - Even or Odd # of Letters in a Name
Second Info...

  1. Ask students to look at the two numbers they wrote - one for the first name and one for the last name.
  2. Ask students who had two even numbers to raise a hand and record on the board with tally marks.
  3. Ask students who had two odd numbers to raise a hand and record on the board with tally marks.
  4. Ask students who had one even and one odd number to raise a hand and record on the board with tally marks.
  5. Practice counting the tally marks together as a class.

Go to Create a Graph and enter the information obtained in the Second Info section, showing various types of graphs if time allows.

Even or Odd # of Letters in Your Name Math Graphing Activity
If you have additional time...
Have students count the letters in any or all of the following to determine if they have an even or odd number of letters:
  • Teacher's last name
  • Principle's last name
  • Name of school
  • Month of the year
  • Today's date number of the month
  • Favorite food
  • Favorite sport
  • Vocabulary words for the week
  • Ask students for their ideas for words they would like to count

Additional articles:

Thanks for visiting my Wildflower Bouquets blog and I hope you enjoy this elementary math activity!